Oh, The Business!

First Published 1902
Writer/composer TW Connor Roud RN34963

Music Hall Performers Harry Randall
Folk performances Collected from the singing of:
Stack, Jack ; Ireland : Co. Kerry ; 1982

Written and Composed by T. W. CONNOR.

We keep a little gen'ral shop,
The Missis and myself;
And since we've learnt the "wrinkles" we've
Got "quids" upon the shelf,
Our customers want coaxing, so,
With ev'ry thing we sell,
We've started giving presents and
A bit of "kid" as well.

And oh, the business!
Things are beginning to hum.
Ask the ladies,
They know where to come!
With ev'ry ha'p'ny bundle of wood
We give 'em a quartern of gin,
And lend 'em a shilling till Tuesday week,
And they all come rolling in!


We sell all sorts of nice things, from
A bootlace to a bun,
And from the baby to the "boss,"
We study ev'ry one.
The fathers like a bit of fuss
Made of them now and then;
And that's where my old girl comes in,—
She manages the men.

And oh, the business!
Things are beginning to hum.
Ask the fathers,
They know where to come!
With ev'ry penn'orth of thre'penny shag
She tickles 'em under the chin;
So whenever they think they'd like to be tickled,
They all come rolling in!

The maidens fair with gilded hair
We cater for as well;
For scented soap, complexion pills
And powder-puffs we sell.
I'm up to all their little tricks,
Since I'm a married man,
I know just what they want, and try
To please them all I can.

And oh, the business I
Things are beginning to hum.
Ask the darlings,
They know where to come.
With ev'ry penn'orth of violet-powder,

We give 'em a safety-pin;
So whenever a string or a button comes off,

They all come rolling in.

The schoolboys in our neighbourhood
Are such a saucy lot,
That ev'ry day the master has
To find their tender spot.
But we must have their ha'pence, though
It's needless to explain ;
So lately we've been telling them
The way to cheat the cane.

And oh, the business!
Things are beginning to hum.
Ask the schoolboys,
They know where to come !
With ev'ry ha'porth of almond-rock.

We give 'em a sheet of tin
To stick in the seat of their corduroys,

And they all come rolling in.

Another song from the Halls of the 1890s remembered by traditional singers in the later part of the 20th century. The original song was written and composed by the prolific TW Connor and featured in the repertoire of  Harry Randall

It was collected in 1982 in Ireland from the singing of Jack Stack by Geraldine Cotter. You can hear a snatch of it at The Traditional Irish Music Collection of Muckross House (Killarney)

Harry Randall sings it:


  • VWML entry
  • Kilgarrif Sing Us
  • Lyrics and Sheet Music: Connor, T. W., & Randall, H. (1902). Oh the business! Francis, Day and Hunter. [Bodleian Library Mediated Copying]