Love’s sorrows

If you are looking for a song about how miserable love can make you …
Angelina Brown
Are we to part like this Bill?
Betsey Baker
Blighted Gardener, The; Cabbages and Turniptops
Captain with his whiskers (The)
Charming Young Widow (The)
Cod liver oil
Cutting toe-nails on a Sunday
Dash my vig
Dogs meat man, The
Horticultural Wife, The
I fancy I can see her now
I’ll go and enlist for a sailor
Jack Robinson
Love in a hayband
Nora Magee
O My Love is Gone
Oh! Marigold
Old Brass Locket
Out with my gun in the morning
Polly Perkins of Paddington Green
Sarah’s Young Man
She was! She was!
Shelling Green Peas
Somebody would shout out shop
They all have a mate but me
Tommy make room for your uncle
Two little girls in blue
Two wenches at once
Watercress girl (The)
Weepin Willer, The/The Miller’s Daughter