Baby’s got a tooth (EH Jones)
Baby’s got a tooth (Rollin Howard)
Baby’s name, The
Back back to where the heather grows
Back to the old home again
Bacon and Greens
Baltimore (Up she goes)
Barbara Allan The Cruel
Barney Brallaghan’s courtship
Basket of onions, The
Betsey Baker
Big Ben Struck One
Billy Barlow
Billy Johnson’s Ball
Billy Muggins
Billy O’Rourke
Billy Taylor
Bill Bailey, won’t you please come home
Birds upon the trees, The
Black sheep of the family, The
Blaydon races
Blighted Gardener, The; Cabbages and Turniptops
Blind Boy, The
Blind Irish girl, The
Blue Bell
Bobbing up and down like this
Body in the bag, The
Boers have got my daddy, The
Boiled beef and carrots
Bold Fisherman, The
Bonnie Jeanie Deans
Boys of the Chelsea School
Boy in the Gallery (The)
Boy’s best friend is his mother, A
Braes of Killiecrankie, The (Jeannie Robertson)
Brave Captain Webb!
Break the News to Mother
Brigham Young
Brown upside down
Bulls won’t bellow, The
Burlington Bertie from Bow
Bus, The; or Mary MacIntyre
Buttercup Joe
By the side of the Zuyder Zee
Galloping Major, The
Gamekeeper, The
Gee Woah
Gently does the trick
Geordy Black
Get a little table
Get up Jack, John sit down
Ghost of Benjamin Binns, The
Gilhooley’s supper party
Ginger, You’re Balmy
Girl in advance of the times, The
Give me a little cosy corner
Give me a nice little four-roomed house
Give me a ticket to Heaven
Give my love to Nancy
Glorious Beer
Glossop Road
Goblins in the churchyard
Going Home, or The Miner’s Return
Golden Dustman, The
Golden Wedding, The
Gone where they don’t play billiards
Goodbye Dolly Gray
Goodbye John
Good Morning Mr Postman
Good old days of Adam and Eve, The
Gooseberry tree, The
Go ‘way, good Massa bee
Grace Darling
Grandfather Brian
Granny’s old arm chair
Great big wheel, The
Green Oak Tree, The
Gypsy warned me (The)
Hail smiling morn
Half past nine
Hallelujah Band, The
Hame o Mine
Hard working snob, The
Harvest Home, The
Has anybody here seen Kelly?
Has anybody seen our cat?
Has anyone seen a German band?
Has anyone seen my tiddler?
Hear the pipers calling, Jennie Mine
Hello! Hello! Who’s your lady friend?
Help a lame-dog over a stile
Help one another boys; never push a man when he’s going downhill
Henery the Eighth I am
Here comes OXO
Here we are! Here we are! Here we are again!
Here’s to Private Tommy Atkins
Hey! Donal
He was a careful man
He’d never been there before : (he’s going there every night)
Hiawatha: His song to Minnehaha
Highlandman’s Toast, The
Hinky Dinky Parlez Vous
His Lordship Winked at the Counsel
Hi Johnny! Who’s your Tailor?
Hobnailed boots that my father wore, The
Hold out your pudding for jam
Hold your hand out naughty boy
Hooligan’s Mule
Horse the missis dries the clothes on, The
Horticultural Wife, The
Hot Ashfelt, The
How Paddy stole the rope
How would you like to be a baby?
How’ya Gonna Keep ’em Down on the Farm
Hullo there! Little Tommy Atkins
Hypochondriac, The
Lads in navy blue, The
Lambeth Walk, The (1899)
Lambeth Walk, The (1937)
Lancashire Lass, The
Lancashire witches, The
Lannigan’s Ball
Lass that leeves next door
Last of the Sandies, The
Last Roll Call, The
Learning McFadden to waltz
Let the great big world keep turning
Limerick Races
Little Annie Rooney
Little bit off the top, A
Little bit off the top, A (parody)
Little bit of cucumber, A
Little bit of what you fancy does you good, A
Little boy called Taps, A
Little Brown Jug
Little by little and bit by bit
Little grey home in the west
Little old church in the valley, The
Little shirt that mother made for me, The
Little town in ould County Down
Little Willie’s Woodbines
Little Yellow Bird
Lloyd George of Criccieth
Lloyd George’s Beer
Loom and the lathe, The
Lord Lovel
Love in a hayband
Lucky Jim (How I envy Him)
MacDermott’s War Song
MacNamara’s Band
Maggie Murphy’s Home
Maggie Yes Ma
Magic Circle, The
Maid and the magpie, The
Make your mind up, Maggie McKenzie
Manx Cat, The
Man at the Nore, The
Man on the flying trapeze, The
Man without a woman, A
Man you don’t meet every day, A (Jock Stewart)
Married to a Mermaid
Martha the milkman’s daughter
Mary Ann, She’s after me
May I come home once more
Meeting of the Waters, The
Men of Merry England (The)
Merman, The
Mickey Mouse
Miners dream of home, The
Misery Farm
Miss Fogarty’s Christmas Cake
Miss Mulligan’s Homemade Pie
Modern Swell’s Diary, The; Studying Economy
Molly Riley O!
Moon shines bright on Charlie Chaplin, The
More work for the undertaker
Most miserable man on earth, The
Mother says I mustn’t
Motto for everyman, A
Mr Gallagher and Mr Sheen
Mucking about the garden
Muirsheen Durkin/ Diggin’ lumps of Gold
Muldoon The Solid Man
Mystery of a Hansom cab, The
My Barney (Bonnie) lies over the Ocean
My bonnie bonnie Jean
My Brudda Sylvest
My daddy is a gentleman
My Gal is a High Born Lady
My Girl’s a Yorkshire Girl
My half was underneath
My London Country Lane
My meatless day
My old Dutch
My Pretty Jane
My pretty Yorkshire Lass
My Rattling Mare and I
My wedding day: Half past nine
My wife is on a diet
My wife’s gone to the country
M.O.N.E.Y or Tis money makes the mare to go
Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag
Paddle your own canoe
Paddy McGinty’s Goat
Paddy’s Dream
Parson and the clerk, The
Pat of Mullingar
Pat works on the railway
PC 49
Peggy O’Neil
Phew! Them golden kippers! Don’t they tid’ly wink
Photo of the girl I left behind me, The
Piper MacFarlane
Playing the game in the west
Please let me sleep on your doorstep tonight
Plum and Apple
Polly Perkins of Paddington Green
Poor but a gentleman still
Poor Chinee; or, Me Likey Bow-Wow
Poor little sweep, The
Popping em into me
Popsy Wopsy
Portobello Lassie, The
Preacher and the Bear, The
Pretty little girl from nowhere, The
Private Tommy Atkins
Pulling hard against the stream
Pull, boys, together
Puss! Puss! Puss!
Putting on the Style
Put a bit of powder on it, Father
Put me amongst the girls
Put me upon an island where the girls are few
Sailing in my balloon
Sailing up the Clyde
Same Old Game, The
Sam Hall
Sarah’s Young Man
Saving them all for Mary
Say au revoir, but not good-bye
Scented Soap
Scientific Man, The
See me dance the polka
Serving em all alike
Seventy Two and Hard as Steel
Shabby Genteel
Shelling Green Peas
She cost me seven and sixpence
She left the man who loved her for another
She sell sea shells on the sea shore
She stood behind the parlour door
She told me to meet her at the gate
She was poor but she was honest
She was the Belle O’ The Ball
She was! She was!
She’d a black and rolling eye (railway version)
She’d a black and rolling eye (sailor version)
She’d kept them all for me
She’s a lassie from Lancashire
She’s proud and she’s beautiful
Shift up a little bit farther
Ship Ahoy (All the nice girls love a sailor)
Ship I Love, The
Ship that belongs to a lady, The
Ship that will never return, The
Show me the way to go home
Side by side
Side by side (Danny Brazil parody)
Side by Side (dismantled bride parody)
Silver Bell
Silver Bells of Memory
Singer was Irish, The
Sing a song of Bonnie Scotland
Sing something Irish to me
Sing! sing! why shouldn’t we sing?
Skylark! Skylark!
Smile o’ Molly Maloney, The
Soft as oi looks
Soldiers of the Queen
Somebody would shout out shop
Song of the thrush, The
Sons of the sea
Sour Milk Cart, The
So does father!
Spaniard that blighted my life, The
Spider and the fly, The
Standard Bread
Stanley Market
Starry night and a beautiful girl, A
Starry night for a ramble, A
Stone outside Dan Murphy’s door, The
Stop yer tickling, Jock
Strolling round the town; or The Rickety Rackety Crew
Success to the Old Brigade
Sunshine of your smile, The
Sweetheart May
Sweet Rosie O’Grady
Sweet Violets
Swim Sam Swim
Waggle o the kilt, The
Waiting at the church
Wait for the turn of the tide
Wait til the work comes round
Wake up, Johnny
War Correspondent, The
Watching ’em
Watercress girl, The
Waterford boys (The)
Wedding of Biddy McGrane, The
Wedding of Sandy McNab, The
Weddin’ o’ Lauchie M’Graw
Weepin Willer, The/The Miller’s Daughter
Wee Hoos Mang the Heather
Wee Jean MacGregor
We all came into the world with nothing
We all go hame the same way
We all go the same way home
We all go to work but father
We close at two on Thursday
We parted on the shore
We really had a most delightful evening
We saved it for the lodger
We used to gather at the Old Dun Cow
We’re living at the cloisters
We’ve all been havin’ a go at it
What are you going to do about Mary
What a funny little place to have one
What a mouth
What Cheer Ria!
What Ho! She bumps
Wheel your perambulator, John
When Enoch he knocked, she knocked Enoch
When father papered the parlour
When it’s night time in Italy it’s Wednesday over here
When I took our Nance to church
When mother was bathing the baby
When there isn’t a girl about
When these old clothes were new!
When they ask you what your name is
When the cock begins to crow
When the old dun cow caught fire
When the summer comes again
Where are the lads of the village tonight?
Where did you get that hat?
Where does Father Christmas go to?
Where do flies go in the wintertime
Where have those Golden sovereigns gone?
Where there’s a will there’s a way
Where the grass grows green
Where the River Shannon flows
Where The Violets Are Blue-oo and The Roses Are Red
While London’s Fast Asleep
Whistling Thief, The
White Silk Dress, The
White wings
Whole Hog or None, The
Why can’t it always be Saturday
Why don’t Santa Claus bring something to me?
Why don’t you marry the girl?
Why is the Bacon so tough?
Wild man of Borneo, The
Wireless on the Brain
Wire in, my lads
With her head tucked underneath her arm
With my little wigger-wagger in my hand
Won’t Go!
Won’t you come to me in Canada
Workhouse Boy, The
Workhouse Gate, The
Work boys work and be contented
Work (Poor , Proud, and Particular)
Wor Nanny’s a mazer
Wot’s the good of Hanyfink? Why? Nuffink!
Wreck of the lifeboat
Wreck of the Ragamuffin