AKA | Turel Lurel Lurel Lee |
First Published | 1873 |
Writer/composer | Arthur Lloyd | Roud | RN37131 |
Music Hall Performers | Arthur Lloyd |
Folk performances | Collected from the singing of: The Whiting Family, USA, Arizona, 2012 |
Oh, I'm a fool as you can see And I've been fooled so you'll agree; When I tell you what occurred to me, And Tooral-ooral-ooral Lee; When Tooral and me went out to tea, With Sally McGee and she sat on my knee, And we couldn'y agree, 'cos Tooral said he, Loved Sally McGee and she loved he; And so all three did disagree, And Sally McGee upset the tea, All over me and Tooral-ooral-ooral Lee, And Tooral-ooral-i-doe and tooral-ooral-ooral Lee And Tooral-ooral-i-doe. A feeling of anger o'er me spread, I threatened to punch young Tooral's head, Then Sally's face got awfully red, When I asked her which of the two she'd wed; She up and said, I was misled, And very ill-bred, on her heart to tread; That she couldn't conceive why I thought she'd deceive, That she'd very much grieve If I'd disbelieve In her love, for she was certain that we Would always agree and said that she Would sooner have me than Tooral-ooral-ooral Lee, Than Tooral-ooral-i-doe. So as on marriage we were bent, Why Sally and I to the altar went, Tho' I'm sorry she ever did give her consent, But the crime has carried the punishment; For she's not content, that's evident, And I often lament that I underwent The experiment, for she's violent To such a degree, 'cos I could see That Tooral Lee was much too free, And between you and me, I think that she Is rather fond of Tooral-ooral-ooral Lee, Of Tooral-ooral-i-doe. And therefore as a last resource I'm going to try and get a divorce, I find that'll be the easiest course, And I'll do it without the least remorse. For ye know, of course, I can't be worse I'd best be a horse or a bloated corse; Than to allow she and Tooral Lee To treat poor me as If I was a flea, But I hope with glee, the day to see When sorry she'll be she discarded me, Because she wanted Tooral-ooral-ooral Lee, For Tooral-ooral-i-doe.
A song written and performed by Arthur Lloyd in the 1870s, the earliest confirmed reference to the song I can find is in 1872 at the Oxford Music Hall, London:

The song was printed officially as sheet music, but also appeared in street literature and songsters on both sides of the Atlantic, including Billy Andrews comic Songster (1873, New York), a Poets Box broadside (1876, Glasgow) Duprez & Benedict’s New Songster (c1877, Philadelphia), The Great Singing Clown Songster (c1887, New York). The fact that it remained in print for some time may suggest that the song remained popular for several decades and in the UK there are several reports of it being sung by amateur singers in the late 19th century.
The song was found in a private family collection of favorite folk songs [collected] over a period of many years, digitised and published as part of a family history project: The Whiting Homestead.
- Entries in the Roud Indexes at the Vaughn Williams Memorial Library: https://archives.vwml.org/search/all:single[folksong-broadside-books]/0_50/all/score_desc/extended-roudNo_tr%3A37131
- Kilgarrif Sing Us
- Lyrics: monologues.co.uk
- Worldcat entry
- Gale Primary Sources: newspapers 1850-1900
RI unattrib B133451, B131293
Last Updated on August 13, 2021 by John Baxter | Published: August 13, 2021