AKA | And then we started tickling |
First Published | 1904 |
Writer/composer | AJ Mills and FW Carter | Roud | RN29973 |
Music Hall Performers | Pat Rafferty |
Folk performances | Collected from the singing of: Payne, Ernie ; England : Avon ; 1979 |
One night in a local pub, I met a lady fair
Who promised me for half a crown
She'd tell my fortune there
She look'd so good and genuine
Dress'd up in silks and furs,
But I was rather nervous when
She took my hand in hers.
And then she started tickle-ing, tickle-ing!
Then she started tickle-ing, tickle-ing!
She was pe-cu-li-ar,
Tickled me in the private bar
I gave her half a crown and stood her a pint of Scotch,
And while she was tickle-ing me in the hand,
She tickled me out of my watch. [twice]
I shan't forget the day I wed—
Though I was dressed in style,
I felt a trifle fidgety
As I stood by the aisle.
The parson he was half asleep
And looking rather blue;
I dug him in the ribs, and said,
" Oh! get it over, do!"
Then I started tickle-ing, tickle-ing
Then I started tickle-ing, tickle-ing
My word! it made me shout,
When he began to dance about.
The people had to laugh — forget it I never shall!
But while I was tickling the parson, he was tickling my old gal!
While I was walking through a sleeping
Cabin once at sea,
I saw a pair of "tootsie-wootsies"
Peeping out at me.
I said, "It must be some bewitching
Damsel in repose."
I got a peacocks feather and
I walked up on my toes.
And then I started tickle-ing, tickle-ing
Then I started tickle-ing, tickle-ing
But 'twas no lady there —
Only a sailor, I declare!
He jumped right out of bed — be jabers ! he raved and swore.
I tickled him twice, but he got up his boot and tickled me under the jaw.
I took my sweetheart Norah in
The country for the day;
We trotted through the meadows and
The poppies and the hay.
"I'm feeling tired," said Norah, as
She piped her pretty eyes.
We sat down on a mossy bank,
When to my great surprise,
Something started started tickle-ing, tickle-ing
Something started tickle-ing, tickle-ing
We'd squatted, if you please,
Right on a. nest of bumble bees.
We hopped and popped about, and kicked up a dreadful shine.
One bee was tickle-ing Norah's bustle, another was tickle-ing mine.
One evening, Mick McGee and I
Went to a grand affair.
We couldn't flirt with all the girls,
Because our wives were there.
But suddenly the gas went out
And left us in the gloom,
So Mick and I went round and found
Two ladies in the room.
Then we started tickle-ing, tickle-ing
Then we started tickle-ing, tickle-ing
While we were in the dark,
Mick and your humble had a lark;
But when the lights went up—oh ! wasn't it awkward "biz!"
For he was tickle-ing my old woman and I was tickle-ing his

A song from the repertoire of Pat Rafferty – written by the alarmingly prolific AJ Mills with FW Carter and a hit in 1904/05 in the Halls and pantomimes.
The song was remembered by at least one traditional singer in the 1970s, when it was collected from the singing of Ernie Payne by Gwilym Davies
- Entries in the Roud Indexes at the Vaughn Williams Memorial Library: https://archives.vwml.org/search/all:single[folksong-broadside-books]/0_50/all/score_desc/extended-roudNo_tr%3A29973
- Kilgarrif Sing Us
- Mills, A. J. (Arthur), Rafferty, Pat., Carter, F. W., & Kent, S. (1904). Then she started tickle-ing. Francis, Day & Hunter. [Oxford Libraries online mediated copying]
Last Updated on April 25, 2024 by John Baxter | Published: April 24, 2024