AKA | Mickey Mickey Tricky Mickey Mouse |
First Published | 1930 |
Writer/composer | Harry Carlton | Roud | RN29716 |
Music Hall Performers | Harry Carlton, various |
Folk performances | Collected from the singing of: Bentall, Brenda; England; 1970 |
From Lawrence Wright sheet music (1930): There's a certain animile Making everybody smile And in life, his walk is Appearing on the 'Talkies' What this little chap can do- And the tricks he gets up to, On the screen of fame - What's this fellow's name? Mickey! Mickey! Tricky Mickey Mouse! On the land and on the sea He's a big celebrity He can dance and he can sing Talk and walk and everything Quite the greatest 'Talkie' king is Mickey! Mickey! Mickey Mouse! Mickey! Mickey! Tricky Mickey Mouse! When a navvy in the street Knocked off work, his lunch to eat Naveen Mike he shouted "Hi!" Dropped his lunch and did a guy There inside his coal porkpie was Mickey! Mickey! Mickey Mouse! On a Cook's tour Mickey went Round the town on pleasure bent All the tomcats hissed him Then suddenly they missed him They searched here and then searched there Couldn't find him anywhere Scotland Yard then sure Sent out of their "Big Four" Mickey! Mickey! Tricky Mickey Mouse! In Trafalgar Square he went Scotland Yard picked up the scent Find a clue and followed that What led to knocked them flat Sitting on Lord Nelson's hat was Mickey! Mickey! Mickey Mouse! Mickey! Mickey! Tricky Mickey Mouse! Catching him was all in vain When he disappeared again Scotland Yard was full of sleuth One "Big Four" man shouted "struth" In a lion's hollow tooth sat Mickey! Mickey! Mickey Mouse! [Extra verses and choruses follow]
A comic song performed by traditional singer Brenda Bentall for Roy Palmer in 1970.
The original song was written some 40 years earlier as a comedy foxtrot and performed in the dance halls and music halls of the early 1930s. Harry Carlton, a comic and songwriter, wrote, composed and performed it, inspired by the cartoon character who was enjoying huge popularity.

Performed by The Rhythmic Eight:
- Entries in the Roud Indexes at the Vaughn Williams Memorial Library: https://archives.vwml.org/search/all:single[folksong-broadside-books]/0_50/all/score_desc/extended-roudNo_tr%3A29716
- Kilgarrif Sing Us
- Lyrics and Sheet Music: Lawrence Wright’s 4th Monster Album ,p88 (personal copy)
Last Updated on May 12, 2023 by John Baxter | Published: May 11, 2023