Let the great big world keep turning

First Published 1917
Writer/composer Clifford Grey / Nat D Ayer Roud RN43186

Music Hall Performers Violet Lorraine
Folk performances Collected from the singing of:
Ling, Ruby; England : Suffolk; 1975-80 (identified by title only)
Modern performances
The Albion Band (1986)

From monologues.co.uk

If I knew that someone cared for me, 
I'd let the world go by
Someone who was true as true could be, 
I'd never want to sigh
What would I give today, 
Just to hear someone softly say.

Let the great big world keep turning
Never mind if I've got you
For I only know that I want you so
And there's no one else will do
You have simply set me yearning
And for ever I'll be true
Let the great big world keep on turning round
Now, I've found someone like you.

Love, they say, must come to one and all, 
Of high and low degree
Come what may, I'm waiting for the call, 
It holds no fears for me
Maybe the day is near 
When the thought of my heart I'll hear.

A sentimental love song originally sung by actress and Music Hall singer Violet Lorraine in the revue The Bing Girls are There – one of a highly successful series of revues that were staged in the last two years of World War I, starting with The Bing Boys are Here. Other hit songs from the series included Another little drink and If you were the only girl in the world. Let the great world keep turning became something of a standard for sentimental singers in the mid-20th century and was also widely performed by Trad jazz performers.

Ginette Dunn includes a song this title in the repertoire of traditional singer Ruby Ling and it latterly has featured in the repertoire of The Albion Band.

Violet Lorraine sings it:

By the Albion Band:
