Ireland and the Irish

Britain’s oldest colony…. Lots of anti-Irish songs were written for the music halls, some gently mocking, some less so. Often taken up by Irish traditional singers anyway ….
Agricultural Irish Girl, The
Barney Brallaghan’s courtship
Billy Johnson’s Ball
Billy O’Rourke
Cockles and Mussels
Darby McGuire
Delaney’s Chicken
Englishman, Irishman and Scotchman, The
Grandfather Brian
How Paddy stole the rope
If you’re Irish come into the parlour
Irish Wedding, The
Lannigan’s Ball
Learning McFadden to waltz
Limerick Races
Little Annie Rooney
Maggie Murphy’s Home
Miss Fogarty’s Christmas Cake
Miss Mulligan’s Homemade Pie
Muirsheen Durkin/ Diggin’ lumps of Gold
No Irish need apply
Nora Magee
Paddy’s Dream
Paddy McGinty’s Goat
Pat of Mullingar
Pat works on the railway
Peggy O’Neil
Rocky road to Dublin
Stone outside Dan Murphy’s door, The
Teddy O’Neale
Ten minutes too late
That old fashioned mother of mine
Waterford boys (The)
Wedding of Biddy McGrane (The)
When they ask you what your name is
Where the grass grows green
Whistling Thief, The