AKA | We made the old girl pull the whole lot home |
First Published | 1897 |
Writer/composer | Harry Wincott and Harry Leighton | Roud | RN29851 |
Music Hall Performers | Harry Champion |
Folk performances | Collected from the singing of: Simmonds, E.W ; England : West Midlands ; 1971 |
From Sheet Music held in Bodleian Library:
The wife and me and all the Family
Thought we'd have a spree one night,
We went out looking round about
And we were allright.
I said Bet, let's hire a Wagonette
Give the kids a country drive
She said done, won't it be some fun
Bless my heart alive
Off I went and got a natty lot,
And inside the Family all got
Out when we drove about ten miles
You should have seen our blooming diles — for
Down fell the Pony in a fit
Then the Wagonette broke down,
The Pony's dead my old woman said
We'll have to tramp it back to Town.
No, No, No, No, everybody cried,
Its too far to roam,
So we harnessed the old gal in between the shafts
And we made her pull the whole lot Home.
The Wagonette was lovely you can bet
Before we made a start Great Scot
Splash board broke, talk about a joke
Out fell all the lot,
The Pony he was rocky at the knee
Talk about his back bone too,
He'd had socks when I saw his hocks,
The bones were sticking thro'.
All the kids got prodding it with Pins
It kicked out and nearly broke my shins
We passed a field where carrots grew,
The sight was too much for its true.
When all the load got slung into the road
What a pretty mob we were
Oh such sights, lacerated "Kites"
I began to swear.
We all got round the Pony on the ground
Ticked him up and bunged him in
Oh! what strife, all the kids and wife
Howling did begin,
I said, shut up Father knows a trick
Take the Harness off the Pony quick,
I put it on the old gal Bet
That Journey home I shan't forgot.
We made her trot just like an Hottentot
With the blinkers round her eyes,
The bit Oh Lor we stuck in her jaw
It was just her size.
All down the street upon her hands and feet
She pulled the Waggonette all gay
Take my tip when l gave her the whip
The kids they yelled Hooray!
At the Horses Trough I let her stop
Took the Bridle off and let her mop,
When we got Home there was some wars,
We had a fight and all becos -
["Kites" - Cockney slang for Stomach]
[“Hottentot” is a racist term first used by the Dutch and later adopted in Britain. It refers to the clicking sound which features in the language of Southern African Khoisan peoples.]

A comic Cockney song from the 1890s, performed by Harry Champion, written and composed for him by Harry Wincott and Harry Leighton.
It was collected from the singing of EW Simmonds by Roy Palmer in 1970.
Chas ‘N’ Dave sing it:
- Entries in the Roud Indexes at the Vaughn Williams Memorial Library: https://archives.vwml.org/search/all:single[folksong-broadside-books]/0_50/all/score_desc/extended-roudNo_tr%3A29851
- Kilgarrif Sing Us
- Lyrics and Sheet Music: Wincott, Harry et al. “Down Fell the Pony in a Fit.” 1897 [Bodleian Mediated Copying]
Last Updated on November 9, 2024 by John Baxter | Published: November 8, 2024