Dacre, Harry
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Harry Dacre (1855-1922) was born Henry Decker, possibly in the Isle of Man. He became a professional songwriter in Manchester in 1882, writing and selling over 600 songs in the next two years. He spent time working in the United States and Australia, eventually becoming a publisher back in the UK under the name Frank Dean. His most famous and enduring songs were Daisy Bell and I’ll be your sweetheart.

Publication: The Era
Songs which have been collected from traditional singers (TBC):
- As your hair grows whiter
- Daisy Bell
- Dorothy Dean
- Ghost of Benjamin Binns, The
- I’ll be your sweetheart
- Katy O Connor (parody)
- Lads in navy blue, The
- Playmates
- Slums of London
- While London’s Fast Asleep