AKA | When my Jane comes back The ferrets and weasels Trouble at the farm |
First Published | 1877 |
Writer/composer | Tom Hanley, WH Phillips | Roud | RN3558 |
Music Hall Performers | George Lewis, Sam Torr |
Folk performances | Collected from the singing of: Westaway, Bill; England : Devon 1950 Glew, Ernest; England : Sussex 1959 Robinson, E. England : Yorkshire 1960s/70s? |
The cows won't milk and the bulls won't roar (Jolly Little Lewis version) Written and composed by WH Phillips. Sung with immense success by Jolly Little Lewis, the Great Comedian and Clown Frank Kidson Collection: Broadsheet at VWML Once I was as happy as the birds upon the tree, And as lively as the tiny fish that swim beneath the sea; I could sing a jolly little song, and dance right merrily, Yes, and work like a Turk in the dairy! But now the time has gone and I am left forlorn, For Father and Mother turn’d contrary; And they sent away the Girl, that they knew I loved so well My dear rosy cheek'd little Mary. The Cows won't milk, and the Bulls won't roar; The Cocks won't crow, and the Pigs won't snore; The Ducks won't quack, and the Hens won't lay, And I’ve gone crack'd since Mary went away Now Mary you would like to know, work'd at our little farm, And around me like an angel there, by gum, she placed a charm: We would ramble down the country lanes while walking arm in arm, And she'd trip by my side like a fairy Yes all the way along she'd twit a funny song I often took her for our pet canary, And her voice would sound as strong, as a wheel without grease on And the Cows they would chorus with Mary. Now since my Mary's gone away, I don't mind telling you I don't know what I talk a -bout, and don't know what I do: And the people say I'm off my chump, by gum I think it true For in my head I don't feel gradely; For of her I dream all night, and wake up in a fright, And commence to cry just like a little baby: The pillow then I squeeze, for it seems to give me ease, And I kiss it and fancy it’s Mary The bulls won't bellow (Sam Torr's version) From reproduction of the Howard and Co (1880?) sheet music in Garratt 60 years, "Written and composed by T Hanley" I used to be as happy as the little birds above As lively as the little lambs at play But now I'm broken hearted for I've lost the girl I love With a swell from town she's lately gone away We worked upon one farm, and my spirits she would charm When she would chant a very pretty song But ever since the day that my false love went away The farm, and all upon it, has gone wrong. The bulls won't bellow and the cows won't low The hens won't cackle, and cocks won't crow The turkeys won't gobble, and the ducks won't quack And never, never will do till my Jane comes back. There's something wrong with everything since Jane has gone away And I'm doing nothing else but fret The cat with her back to the fire sits on the hearth all day And the poor old sheep-dog's nose is never wet The pigs won't curl their tails; the ducks won't eat the snails The gander now won't come home to be fed And the poor old billy-goat has a big lump in his throat And a hogshead full of tears the sow has shed. The hens have got the whooping cough, and will not leave their coop The canary is in the moult and will not eat The donkey's got bronchitis, and the tomcat's got the croup The geese have all got chilblains in their feet The ferrets and the weasels are all down with the measles And the wool is coming off the sheep The bull has got the tic, and the cow her calf won't lick And the horses have the nightmare when they sleep. To see the weeping willows, they all seem full of grief They seem to moan and shake their heads like me There's a sympathising look on every cabbage leaf And a nod of pity, too, from every tree At night I dream of Jane, that she's come back again And I'm whistling as I used to do But when I awake, how I shiver and I shake When I find my dreams of pleasure are not true.
Two very similar songs, both describing the deleterious effect of unhappy romance on farming livestock, were sung in the 1880s. (The words have parallels as you can see above, to me the music of the chorus at least seems very similar…)
George ‘Jolly Little’ Lewis (18??-93) was a Music Hall manager and comedian, active between the mid-1860s and his death in 1893 . He came from a Music Hall family – his brother performed under the name Little Levite, and his wife Julia Bullen was a serio-comic. He sang his version of the song with the title The cows won’t milk and the bulls won’t roar:

As far as I can see, Lewis’s version of the song was always credited to WH Phillips, as in this notice in The Era:

Sam Torr sang his version under the title The bulls won’t bellow or When my Jane comes back. The sheet music and various other sources credit it as being written and composed by T Hanley:

In 1877 T Hanley was also credited with writing Oh Jo “a new comic song” for Sam Torr ( The Era, Oct 28). Michael Kilgariff, the great archivist of the halls suggests this is Ted Hanley (1868-1927), a writer and comedian who according to Era reports first appeared on stage in 1895. I would suggest he was probably too young to have written the song in the late 1870s. Far more likely to be Tom Hanley, a writer/performer from Sheffield who later appeared at least once at the Leicester Music Hall managed by Sam Torr. Tom Hanley was sometimes billed as a ” Yorkshire dialect reciter”:

Its not clear how two performers, both of whom at various times threatened court action against anyone who would steal their songs, ended up singing such similar pieces. It’s likely that they did know of each other, as they were managed by the same theatrical agent HJ Didcot.
A song collected from several traditional singers in the second half of the 20th century…
You can hear a fragment of Bill Westaway singing it, as collected by Peter Kennedy, in the British library Sound archive at 7.08
- Entries in the Roud Indexes at the Vaughn Williams Memorial Library: https://archives.vwml.org/search/all:single[folksong-broadside-books]/0_50/all/score_desc/extended-roudNo_tr%3A3558
- Kilgarrif Sing Us
- Sam Torr lyrics and sheet music: John M. Garrett: 60 years of British Music Hall (1976)
- US Sheet Music for Jolly Little Lewis version: published by Brainard and Sons, Cleveland. Written and composed by WH Phillips, arranged by WG Eaton. Hathi Trust
Last Updated on May 4, 2022 by John Baxter | Published: March 26, 2021