First Published | 1904 |
Writer/composer | Herbert Shelley & Stephen Rowland Philpot | Roud | RN22016 |
Music Hall Performers | Herbert Shelley |
Folk performances | Collected from the singing of: French, Billy; England : Suffolk; 1960s? |
'Twas sweet Christmas Eve as I stood by the gate Of a place for which none of us care The workhouse, and these are the sights I'll relate Of the people I saw going there First, the widow, she came with a child in her arms The wife of a sailor was she She'd waited for Jack, but he never came back For his vessel had foundered at sea. And the bells they rang - a merry old Christmas chime And the choir boys sang - a hymn of the olden time But the wide, wide world - what a tale it could oft relate Of those in despair who are passing in there Through the workhouse gate. The next one who came was an old, broken man Who had been a brave lad in his time He'd fought with his Regiment at famed Inkerman And stood in the 'Thin Red LIne' His medals they shone in the stars of the night As he came to the workhouse for aid ''twere better,' he cried, 'Had I fallen and died With the boys of my dear old Brigade.' The next one who came, she was weary and worn With hair like the white driven snow Her daughters and sons had deserted and gone To countries she never would know When sudden, from out of the dark, sprang a man 'Don't you know me, dear mother?' he cried 'I'm Jack, the black sheep, who has come back to keep His old mother from going inside.' The next one who came was a working man pale With his bundle of tools on his back For days he had wandered in rain, sleet and hail On hunger's long, pitiless track It's labour he asks for, but that he's denied Now sweaters are robbing his can For we live in the age when the cheap foreign wage Is killing our own working man.

Another comic Music Hall song popular in the 1900s that was remembered by traditional singers in the pubs of southern England in the 1960s – it appears on Neil Lanham’s Voice of Suffolk: Stour Valley I, sung by Billy French.
It was composed by Stephen R Philpot , written and sung by Herbert Shelley (1854-1913). The song is a bit of a throw-back to Victorian themes, though earlier writers might have resisted the nationalism of the last two lines.
- Entries in the Roud Indexes at the Vaughn Williams Memorial Library:[folksong-broadside-books]/0_50/all/score_desc/extended-roudNo_tr%3A22016
- Kilgarrif Sing Us
- Lyrics:
- Sheet Music: not accessed
- Image (c)Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Last Updated on December 9, 2021 by John Baxter | Published: December 4, 2021