While London’s Fast Asleep

AKA While London sleeps
Slums of London
First published 1896
Lyrics Harry Dacre Music Harry Dacre Roud RN21816

Music Hall Performers Marie Tyler
Folk performances Source Singers
Joe Breen, nd, Newfoundland, Canada
CharlieWeeks, 1956, Nova Scotia, Canada
George ‘Pop’ Maynard, 1959, Sussex, England
Arthur ‘Cocky’ King, 1960s, Suffolk, England
Cecilia Costello, 1967, Warwickshire, England
Eddie Penfold, 1975, Sussex, England
Walter Pardon, 1985, Norfolk, England

The greatest city of the world is London
At least, that's what the wealthy people say
It's very nice for some, who always get the plum
I only get what people throw away
It's very nice for starving boys in winter
It's very nice to camp it out at nights
A doorstep for a bed, another for your head
Because you haven't sold your blooming lights.

While London sleeps, and all the lamps are gleaming
Millions of its people, now lie sweetly dreaming
Some have no homes, and o'er their sorrows weep
Others laugh and play the game while London's fast asleep.

There's a lot of wealth and happiness in London
There's lots of starving misery as well
There's people good and true who can't get work to do
Who've stolen bread, and found the prison cell
There's some of ‘em can't stand it any longer
So, when they cannot earn an honest meal
They seek the riverside and jump into the tide
Because they're far too proud to beg or steal.

Now, have you noticed some of ‘em by daylight?
The good young man who leads the army band
Your heart he wants to save, although he needs a shave
And the “tide-mark” round his neck looks very grand
But see him on the Q.T. of an evening
A-strolling round with someone else's wife
It takes a kid like me their little games to see
For I'm a chap what's seen a bit of life,

The coppers get a name for being bad ‘uns
I don't mean “Browns” I mean the men in blue
They're called a shady lot, but some of them are not
Although I've caught it hot from one or two
There's one of ‘em has been a pal to this child
One night he found me dossing in the street
He didn't use his club, but let me share his grub
And with his lamp he let me warm my feet,

One night, when it was freezing hard and snowing
I sees a woman trudging through it all
So thin and poorly dressed, the baby at her breast
Was only covered by a ragged shawl
I followed her - I felt as how I had to
When suddenly she pulls the shawl aside
Then screams “My God, No, no” and sinks into the snow
From cold and want her little one had died.

Another Music Hall song that has become part of the folk tradition, written in 1896 by Harry Dacre and performed by Marie Tyler with great success in the UK Halls.

Marie Tyler (1875-1905) was the daughter of a confectioner, and made her name whilst still a teenager as a male impersonator, often appearing as a principal boy in pantomime. She married fellow Music Hall performer Leo Dryden, who despite his best efforts, built a career largely on the strength of one song: The miners dream of home. Tyler’s performance of While London’s fast asleep went down exceptionally well according to her first review in The Era:

The Era March 21, 1896

The song was written by Harry Dacre (1860-1922), who was born Henry Decker, possibly in the Isle of Man. He became a professional songwriter in Manchester in 1882, writing and selling over 600 songs in the next two years. He spent time working in the United States and Australia, eventually becoming a publisher back in the UK under the name Frank Dean. His most famous and enduring song was Daisy Bell.


  • Lyrics: monologues.co.uk
  • Sheet Music: British Library
  • Kilgarriff Sing us
  • Entries in the Roud Indexes at the Vaughn Williams Memorial Library: https://archives.vwml.org/search/all:single[folksong-broadside-books]/0_50/all/score_desc/extended-roudNo_tr%3A21816 Roud 21816
  • Entries in the Roud Indexes at the Vaughn Williams Memorial Library: https://archives.vwml.org/search/all:single[folksong-broadside-books]/0_50/all/score_desc/extended-roudNo_tr%3A21816 Roud 13677
  • Baker: British Music Hall
  • A video of Arthur ‘Cocky’ King, including a performance of this song at 00:37:25 is available for download here.