Please let me sleep on your doorstep tonight

First Published1930

Writer/composerBob Weston & Bert Lee.RoudRN000

Music Hall PerformersBilly Bennett
Folk performancesNOT collected from the singing of any source singers i am aware of

Modern performances: Barry Coope, Lester Simpson, Fi Fraser & Jo Freya on Hark Hark; Tony Wilson
by Bob Weston and Bert Lee (1930)
performed by Billy Bennett

Twas Christmas Eve at midnight
And a tramp with haggard face
Was knocking at the door
Of a rich millionaire's palace.
The rich man in pyjamas
Trimmed with gold and costly fur
Said "What are you a-wanting of?"
The tramp replied "Dear Sir ....

Please let me sleep on your doorstep tonight,
I'm homeless and cold and the snow's falling white,
The fire through your keyhole looks cosy and bright
So, please let me sleep on your doorstep tonight"

The rich man said "How dare you"
In a manner cold and chill
And from his freezing nose
He proudly wiped an icicle.
That night while his rich brother
Slept on silk sheets trimmed with lace
The poor man slept and then the snowflakes fell
On his carcase...

The rich man called a constable and said
"Remove this man"
He shone his lamp - the rich man cried,
"Why that's my brother, Dan!
You want to sleep upon my doorstep,
You my brother Fred
You shall sleep on my doorstep
I didn't know you when you said...

The rich man caught pneumonia
Through standing in the cold
And soon at heavens pearly gates
He claimed his wings of gold.
The angel to the rich man said
"You can't come in, Oh No!"
The rich man said "Well as it's late
And they're full up below ...

Not collected from any source singers I know of, nevertheless some revival singers have included it in their repertoire -it bears some relation to the Ballad Dives and Lazarus! Written for Billy Bennett by Bob Weston & Bert Lee, it was the B-s of side his Christmas Day in the Cookhouse

Billy Bennett sings it:

Tony Wilson sings it!

