Lass that leeves next door

AKANanny that lives next door
First Publishedc1866

Writer/composerJoe WilsonRoudRN6137

Music Hall PerformersJoe Wilson
Folk performancesCollected from the singing of:
Unknown singer: Scotland; 1906
Willie Mathieson; Scotland Aberdeenshire; 1952
Tommy McCabe; Ireland County Monaghan; 1968

Aw like the lass that leeves next door,
They call her Nan
Aw've often thowt the syem before,
She wants a man,
Ay an' Aw's the lad that wants a lass,
An’ Aw think the time'll cum te pass
When ye'll find Aw’s the lad for Nanny next door

For she teuk me heart when sittin' a' knitten'
The time that Aw was smokin' an' spittin',
An' ivvor since then the time it’s been flittin,
Thro’ Nanny that leeves next door.

Aw'll nivvor forget the neet we met—
One Tuesday neet—
She was walkin’ oot wi’ me sister Bet
Alang the street.
An’ Aw kind o’ thowt — as she met me eye —
She wes just the yen for a chep that’s shy:
An’ Aw seun myed it reet
Wi’ Nanny that leeves next door.

She kept us up se weel i’ talk
Aw just sayd — “Yis”
Or “No” — the time we had the walk,
So ye may guess
That Aw set hor hyem an’ myed luv on the way;
But the neet wes nowt te the varry next day
When Aw clapt ma eyes on hor
Knittin’ beside the door.

She leukt at me wiv a pleesin’ smile,
Aw leukt at hor;
An’ puff’d me baccy aa'll the while
Aside the door.
Aw tell'd hor then whaat myed us sad
An’ Aw axed hor wad she hev me for a lad;
Man Aw stud like a feul, throo
Nanny that leeves next door.

“Thor's plenty lads to get maw pet,”
Ses she, te me:
But a man’s not nigh se easy te get
Indeed,” ses she.
Ses Aw, an’ Aw laffed as Aw telt me plan—
“Aw'll forst be yor lad an’ then yor man.”
Ay, an ivvor since then
Aw’ve follow’d the lass next door.

a Tyneside Music Hall song from the 1860s, written and performed by the star of the early Tyneside Halls Joe Wilson. Like many local Music Hall songs of this period, it was sung to a well known earlier tune, in this case When Johnny comes marching home (RN6673)

