AKA | Who’s your lady friend? |
First Published | 1913 |
Writer/composer | Worton David and Bert Lee / Harry Fragson | Roud | RNnone |
Music Hall Performers | Harry Fragson, Mark Sheridan |
Folk performances | ? |
Jeremiah Jones a lady's man was he Every pretty girl he loved to spoon Till he found a wife and down by the sea Went to Margate for the honeymoon But when he strolled along the promenade With his little wife just newly wed He got an awful scare When someone strolling there Came up to him and winked and said, Hello, hello, who's your Lady friend? Who's the little girlie by your side I've seen you with a girl or two Oh. Oh. Oh, I am surprised at you Hello, Hello, stop your little games Don't you think your ways you ought to mend? It isn't the girl I saw you with at Brighton Who, Who, who's your lady friend. Jeremiah Jones took his wife's mamma one night Round to see a moving picture show There up on the screen a picture came in sight Jeremiah cried, “He'd better go” For on that picture there was Jeremiah With a pretty girl up on his knee Ma cried, “What does it mean?” Then pointing to the screen The people yelled at Jones with glee, Jeremiah now has settled down in life Said goodbye to frills and furbelows Never thinks of girls except his darling wife Always takes her everywhere he goes By Jove, why there he is you naughty boy With a lady too, you're rather free Of course you'll stake your life The lady is your wife But tell me on the strict Q.T. Christmas pantomime was Jones's chief delight Once he madly loved the Fairy Queen There behind the scenes he spooned with her one night Some one for a lark pulled up the scenes And there was poor old Jones up on the stage With his arms around the lady fair The house began to roar From Gallery down to floor Then everybody shouted there,

With words by Worton David and Bert Lee, composed by Harry Fragson, Who’s your lady friend? was a hit in the Halls in before the Great War for Harry Fragson and then during it for Mark Sheridan. In reality in that period it was being sung all over the place! It was revived by Stanley Holloway during the Music Hall revival of the late 50s.
As far as I can tell it’s never been collected from traditional source singers, but that’s possibly because it’s so widely sung that it would never have been thought to be important enough to record?
As Harry Fragson sang it:
- Entries in the Roud Indexes at the Vaughn Williams Memorial Library: https://archives.vwml.org/search/all:single[folksong-broadside-books]/0_50/all/score_desc/extended-roudNo_tr%3Anone
- Kilgarrif Sing Us
- Lyrics: monologues.co.uk
- Sheet Music: Bumper Book of Music Hall Songs
- Sheet Music at York University YorkSpace
Last Updated on January 13, 2021 by John Baxter | Published: January 13, 2021