Boiled beef and carrots
Lyrics | Charles Collins | Music | Fred Murray | Roud Index | RN30163 |
First published | 1909 |
Music Hall performers | Harry Champion |
Folk performances | Source singers MacBeath, Hamish 1952 Scotland : Banffshire “Cockney” family 1930s England : London |
When I was a nipper only six months old My Mother and my Father too They didn't know what to wean me on They were both in a dreadful stew They thought of tripe, they thought of steak Or a little bit of old cod's row I said, “Pop round to the old cook-shop I know what'll make me grow. Boiled beef and carrots, Boiled beef and carrots That's the stuff for your 'darby-kel' Makes you fat and it keeps you well Don't live like vegetarians, on the stuff they give to parrots From morn till night, blow out your kite On boiled beef and carrots. When I got married to Eliza Brown A funny little girl next door We went to Brighton for the week Then we both toddled home once more My pals all met me in the pub Said a feller to me, “Watcha Fred! What did you have for your honeymoon?' And just for a lark I said, We've got a lodger he's an artful cove “I'm very, very queer.' he said We sent for the doctor, he came round And told him to jump in bed The poor chap said, “I do feel bad' Then my Mother with a tear replied “What would you like for a pick-me-up?' He jumped out of bed and cried, I am the Father of a lovely pair Of kiddies, and they're nice fat boys They're twins, you can't tell which is which Like a pair of saveloy's We had them christened in the week When the Parson put them on his knee I said, “As they've got ginger hair, I want their names to be,
One of many Cockney songs by Harry Champion that are still remembered today. It was written for him by Charles Collins. and Fred Murray. It’s been collected from at least one source singer, and by rights that might make it a folksong, but in most people’s eyes this is probably a “classic” Music Hall song.
Darby-kel is Cockney rhyming slang for belly, named after a famous Irish folk song, Darby Kelly. It is said that there are still restaurants in London where you can order boiled beef and carrots by asking for a Harry Champion.
- Lyrics:
- Sheet Music: Bumper Book of Music Hall Songs
Harry Champions rendition